Yeah, nothing is as reported and perception management of the masses by those with secret agendas has always been with us. Maybe enough of us are finally catching on. Thanks.

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Thank you, Kathleen and 🤞🤞

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So true

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Just shared. Great info

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Thank you, Nona!

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Everything that happens at the local level is multiplied as it climbs the ladder. I’ve been at what seems like every local emergency that happens in my city for the last 27 years. I’ve yet to see the local news get the story right. There is no way in hell the national media gets anything correct in its entirety, if at all. With the government pulling the levers, it’s ALL propaganda now.

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I have read people arguing about Hannah Arendt's use of the term "banality of evil" for years, and perhaps I finally have a way of illustrating what she meant.

She DID NOT mean Hitler or Biden or Clinton or Dubya, Kagan or the banksters or the thugs at the DoD. They are not the banality of evil, they are the working instruments of evil. Evil was Eichmann, a man just doing his job coordinating train schedules to take people to concentration / death camps. So if one wants to understand the banality of evil, all one need do is turn on the radio or television and watch the banal faces lie continuously without one moment's thought given to what they are saying.

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