There is obvious, overt censorship. A recent example might be the failed attempt to silence Joe Rogan. And then there’s the more covert, insidious kind. For example, did you know the books you read are being pre-woked before you even hear about them? You can thank your friendly neighborhood “sensitivity reader” for protecting you and your family from anything that might offend or trigger.
“Sensitivity readers,” explains journalist, Zoe Dubno, “are freelance copy editors who publishers pay to cancel-proof their new books. They read books that feature identities or experiences that are outside of the lived experience of the author. They then critique the writing through the prism of what they claim to be their own authoritative life experience to guide the author toward a more authentic representation. For example, the white author Jodi Picoult used a sensitivity reader for her novel about a black nurse who cares for the children of white supremacists.”
Keep yer guard up…