The New Normal™.
Hive minds, groupthink, echo chambers, and hypocrisy…from the left and right.
taxation = theft.
Either that or a drag queen.
You’d get banned on social media and lose friends and family in 2020 for saying what the CDC openly states today. 🤡
“You will own nothing and you will be happy.”
What evidence are YOU choosing to ignore?
There is no neutral. Complacence = compliance.
There are no innocent bystanders.
I sent the certificates to my college student daughter, her girlfriend and my 25 yo personal trainer, all who greatly suffered and I spoke with at length during the pandemic bs about holding tight, biding our time, being ornery where feasible. It worked! They truly do deserve this certificate - God bless em! Our country will have these kids as their leaders someday. They are brave.
Congrats, class of 2022.... are we getting our certificates in the mail? I would like to frame mine sooner than later.....