"today years old" 😆

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Mickey Z.

A friend of mine, a Cleveland (UK) Fire Brigade Fitness Instructor used to do volunteer work for the Spastics Society charity shop next door to where I worked in the Electricity Board Showrooms in Billingham.

Later he divorced and married a Chinese lady.

I would like to think he is still my friend.

"Jock" as he was affectionately know by his Cleveland County collegues.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Mickey Z.

Woke is a great tool for upper middle class managerial strivers. They use it to destroy job competitors and gain an edge in workplace competitions. It's the same basic thing as any other form of puritanism—hypocritical, irrational, mean and works to the advantage of people who already have some status and security. I think it's telling that none of the putative beneficiaries have ever benefited from it. If anything, it reinforces the injustices they face.

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Aug 8, 2022Liked by Mickey Z.

There is a New Zealand connection to the Dixie/Chicks story.


Note: There is always an New Zealand Connection to any story, anywhere in the world. As a Nation we a desperate to be relevant.

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I find pop music somewhat offensive overall. Since I was about 10 and the Beatles opened the way for future progressive rock & metal, and saucy language, I put the AM radio away. About 1967 or so. Let the kiddos have their battles and maybe someday they'll listen to progressive music, whether jazz, rock, or even classical.

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Aug 11, 2022Liked by Mickey Z.

I absolutely agree. I think all this is just a glossed over way of taking away our freedom.

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