Lots of people talk about guns but how many are merely parroting the talking points of whatever “side” they’ve chosen. With this in mind, I offer some info on the AR-15 that is might be news to you:
The “AR” in “AR-15 rifle” does not stand for “assault rifle.” It also does not stand for “automatic rifle.” It stands for ArmaLite Rifle — based on the company that designed it in 1956.
Contrary to popular opinion, AR-15-style rifles are not “assault rifles.” To earn that label, it would have to be a fully automatic weapon, e.g. a machine gun. (Such weapons were virtually restricted by the 1934 National Firearms Act.)
Translation: An AR-15 may sometimes look like an automatic military rifle (e.g. the M-16). But they only fire one round per pull of the trigger — like any hunting rifle of the same caliber.
The above info is not meant to change anyone’s mind but it could result in people actually having conversations based on reality. I support that goal.
P.S. Read my other recent article about guns here for more accuracy and reality.
Apparently there are 10+ million AR-15 owners in the US and almost 40% of people in the US have a gun at home. Ownership is high, compared to a lot of other countries but most firearms owners (clearly) don't shoot people. I think Beach Hippie's comments are valid and would add that society is violent at its core, not just competitive.
I'm from New Zealand, our Prime Minister (Jacinda Ardern) has just returned from the US, where she got a lot of airtime talking about Gun Control. Her Government banned semi-automatic firearms here in 2019 following a lone gunman attack on two mosques (I'm sure you've heard about it). The inquiry into the attack (which came after the law change) found the Police "at fault", they issued the gunman a firearms licence but did not vet him properly. The inquiry didn't hold anyone to account and most of the content was sealed for 30 years.
Prior to 2019 the last mass shooting was nearly 30 years ago. Logic and reason were not present in New Zealand's response to the attack and we shouldn't be held up as a model to follow on gun control.