What passes for "debate" these days
Reminder: More than one thing can be true at the same time
A few of many, many examples…
Present a well-researched analysis of U.S. war crimes. Folks get apoplectic and rant about the war crimes of authorized enemies.
Present a well-researched analysis of Republicans’ crimes. Folks get apoplectic and rant about the crimes of Democrats.
Present a well-researched analysis of Democrats’ crimes. Folks get apoplectic and rant about the crimes of Republicans.
Present a well-researched analysis of the Ukraine situation. Folks get apoplectic and rant about Putin.
Present a well-researched analysis of Hamas’s war crimes. Folks get apoplectic and rant about the war crimes of Israel.
Present a well-researched analysis of Israel’s war crimes. Folks get apoplectic and rant about the war crimes of Hamas.
Present a well-researched analysis of capitalism. Folks get apoplectic and rant about “socialism.”
Present a well-researched analysis of, well… anything. Folks get apoplectic and get angry that you’re not talking enough about their personal cause.
I could go on and on — but it would be a lot cooler if more “free thinkers” were doing some free thinking.
Reminder: More than one thing can be true at the same time — and usually is.
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well said Mickey, too many folks like their mental chains instead of observing basic facts......
This is very well said. I remember when Bush was launching the forever wars post 9/11. He had this statement "You're either with us or you're with the terrorists." Now I was against those wars and not because of any special sympathy for "the terrorists" as much as just for humanity in general. I tried to explain that they benefitted no one except a few at the very top and our government at a bare minimum had allowed the September 11 attacks to happen if not actively facilitating them. I got shouted down everywhere. I remember one guy who knew from my Internet forum that I had grown up in Ohio said in response to my peacemongering "Well if you hate America that much why don't you just leave?" At the time I happened to be in Thailand and told him as much in the chat room. I could see the ... in the group chatroom going on for what felt like forever as he furiously recalculated his response to me. Finally it became something about how didn't Thailand have a lot of Muslims? "I'm Buddhist." I tried to explain. But but but once I get abducted by my new jihadi lover I'll come crying to the USA for help! On and on it went. At what point do we accept that all people are capable of atrocities but in our current broken system we have incentivized war for those at the top?