While they distract you with false conflicts, The Great Reset is already happening. Turn away from your TVs and news feeds and tune into your capacity for critical thought. There is no neutral.
(Click here for two minutes of what they have planned for you.)
Great post. I shared it on FB. I hope people give this some extended critical thought. The pitfalls of even a good faith system are scary. Given that good faith is completely out of the question, it seems reasonable to firmly reject the proposal.
Thank you for this! This is a critically important topic which most folks have given too little thought to. And as troubling as your list is, you have just scratched the surface. Just think what would happen in a cashless society if the system went down! Would it even be possible to transact business? And if it was a claimed cyber attack, would we launch Nukes against some enemy du jour? Cyber warfare between globalist rivals? In addition to being a potential totalitarian nightmare, it would also be a potential existential threat to human survival. Even under the most optimistic circumstances, where is the electricity to power the "Great Reset" going to come from in a post-fossil fuel society? Renewables can't even begin to generate power at our current levels of usage. Nuclear power? Yea gods! How many folks are even vaguely aware of the electricity requirements for crypto currencies? And remember, the elites always take care of themselves at the expense of the rest of us who are then lied to and sold on the elite agenda.