Virtue signaling doesn't help Gaza; it doesn't help ANYONE except the Parasite Class™
The mass formation continues...
While riding an N Train last week in Astoria, I noticed an increase in passengers wearing protective [sic] masks. It’s utterly heartbreaking to witness such mass hypnosis and virtue signaling.
When I deboarded that N train, I saw and photographed the hastily scrawled graffiti above. It’s utterly heartbreaking to witness such mass hypnosis and virtue signaling.
Firstly, there’s the apparent belief that scribbling a message on a random subway storage box (or your social media profile, for that matter) will do anything to incite the change you claim to want.
No sane adult believes that the U.S. government (or the corporations and banks that own it) will somehow see the two-word message, suddenly realize they’ve given Israel at least $250 billion since 1948, and decide that it must end now.
So… why risk a fine and up to a year in jail?
Two words for two words: Virtue. Signaling.
It’s an ego-driven, fear-based, exhibitionist performance in which social credit amongst alleged peers is far more significant than the facts on the ground. And it occurs all across the ideological spectrum — from woke to MAGA and beyond.
What answers might you get if you ask such graffiti messengers about their intentions? For starters, what does “free Gaza” even mean to them?
Do these Subway Avengers engage in legit homework and contemplation before formulating “opinions” or do they get their information from memes and social media posts?
And, as I’ve recently discussed, why doesn’t this “anarchist” risk arrest to scrawl messages about any of the other myriad horrific crises happening right now?
This, of course, brings us to the circle around the second A in Gaza — (allegedly) denoting a connection to anarchism.
Quick side quest: The word anarchism is as sadly misused and misunderstood as feminism, communism, capitalism, Marxism, and so many more. It now means something different to everyone and is more honored in the breach.
So, if Magic Marker Man calls himself an anarchist, it’s unclear what he stands for. However, I sincerely doubt he appreciates the literal meaning of anarchism because a “free Gaza” would hardly be a hotbed of “no gods, no masters.”
In fact, most of the current “pro-Palestinian activists” would find their [sic] ideas quite unwelcome in a state ruled by strict Islamic law.
Marchers and chanters who are women (or pretend to be women) would not find anarchic freedom for themselves in the Gaza Strip.
And the “queers for Palestine” crowd should be relegated to the Babylon Bee.
More generally and importantly:
If you feed your pride by virtue signaling, I believe you’re more likely to embrace doom-scrolling. After all, the worse the world looks to you, the more it needs your distinctive brand of assistance [sic].
Again, it does not matter which “side” you’re on.
To willingly succumb to the whims of algorithms and cultish narratives is to lose your autonomy and surrender any chance of creating much-needed coalitions.
The Powers That Shouldn’t Be™ love it when we take unnuanced, uninformed stances and demonize anyone who doesn’t march in lockstep with us. They fear our solidarity and thus work 365/24/7 to divide us.
Conversely, the Parasite Class™ is powerless to thwart people who commit to persistent introspection. They cower when faced with folks who choose to connect with and help those within their reach — even those with whom they disagree.
To defeat evil requires us to remain reachable and teachable. We can all do so much better than this. Let’s put away our magic markers and instead, develop sovereign ears to hear.
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"To willingly succumb to the whims of algorithms and cultish narratives is to lose your autonomy and surrender any chance of creating much-needed coalitions."
So true, Mickey. I wonder about the 'will' in "willingly" in that how many of us have lost our connection to it? What it actually means?
If I have a will, and will-power, it implies an authentic (authored, authority) self who possesses it.
Virtue-signalers and masking compliers... where are they? Are they really here or are we seeing merely a program running their bodies?
I trust they can be recovered. I hope so.
Thanks for the thoughtful post. I suspect those who need it, are likely watching CNN. Best.
Dealing with brainwashed people is exhausting.
And yes I know, that I’m not immune. I’ve fallen into the traps too and have had to continually revisit and revise my attitudes and beliefs.
If I end up moving to Latin America this will be the reason. The social conditioning and mind control there is less pervasive and much less effective IMO, and most people haven’t yet lost their humanity.