In the name of re-introducing more of my older posts to my newer subscribers, here are two related links about the dangerous, untested, military-sponsored injectable product:
“No vaccine manufacturer shall be liable...”
Exposed: Why the mad rush to jab kids?
And one about vaccines in general:
Meet the 'Godfather of Vaccines'
I must say it’s been invigorating to see the renewal of interest about vaccine safety that the plandemic has generated. After all anti-Vaxxer is simply a negative label like conspiracy theorist used to discredit concerned people who want to get to the truth. And one of the “Anti-Vaxxers they fear the most is attorney Aaron Siri who has taking many of the liars and con artists to task. He even deposed Stanley Plotkin once for several hours.
A couple of days ago another vaccine proponent Dr Paul Offit wrote a piece trying to discredit RFK Jr. Aaron who has an excellent Substack was not going to take it lying down and put up this which led to a Twitter battle between scientific fiction vs fact.
I posted an essay called "Why I'm an 'Anti-vaxxer'" on Substack a few months ago. Many people shy away from the term, which as we know is used as an epithet. I figured, since we get called it anyway if we so much as question vaccines, I might as well "own" the term, & explain why I'm willing to do so & how I wound up going down that road (pre-Covid era). The essay is here: If it might prove useful somehow, please share it!