The Ukraine “war” is just part of the Great Reset
“People have no choice but to trust technology”
On February 28, 2022, Mykhailo Fedorov, Ukraine’s 30-year-old Minister of Digital Transformation, declared: “People have no choice but to trust technology.” (Click here to find Fedorov’s personal page on the World Economic Forum’s website — I recently told you about the WEF here.)
And here you were, thinking it was all about hating Commies and virtue signaling.
To follow are some screenshots from a Twitter thread (full thread here). Note: Not surprisingly, the Twitter account that originally posted this has since been suspended.

Once the Great Reset is installed, we will be trapped in a cashless society and controlled by a social credit system. This is not a conspiracy theory. This is an openly discussed plan and that is already starting — in Ukraine, by “coincidence” — supported by leaders of all stripes across the globe (including Russia and China).
Reminder: The power elites succeed only if you continue to fall for the propaganda and take sides in their false conflicts. Stop swallowing the bogus narratives, do a little homework and critical thinking, and stand up for the future of humanity. Snap of it, folks. It’s long overdue you practice some intellectual self-defense and learn to keep yer guard up…
Mickey Z. is the founder of Helping Homeless Women - NYC, offering direct relief to women on New York City streets. To help him grow this project, CLICK HERE and donate right now. And please spread the word!