For too long — pretty much, since forever — children have borne the brunt of adult dysfunction and adult evil. These days, kids are being jabbed, masked, isolated, manipulated, groomed, transed, and more.
Such crimes can be added to the nightmares that have seemingly always been around, e.g. abuse (physical, sexual, emotional), neglect, domestic violence, trafficking, etc.
All of the above can be lumped under the category of “adverse childhood events” or ACEs. An ACE is a traumatic experience that takes place anywhere between birth and 17 years of age.
More than 60 percent of American adults today endured at least one ACE as a child. One in six of them experienced four or more ACEs.
Girls, of course, are at the highest risk of childhood trauma.
The next phase of the ACE cycle happens slowly over time — as all those kids grow into adults. If their trauma is left unprocessed and unresolved, they may have to deal with debilitating mental health conditions like Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
But, lesser known is the reality that childhood trauma also dramatically increases one’s odds of suffering from heart disease, cancer, and other diseases on the list of top killers. This reality sends them (as adults) into the third phase.
At least 25 percent of people with chronic and/or life-threatening illnesses will develop something called “medically-induced PTSD.” That’s how stressful and degraded our [sic] health [sic] care [sic] system is.
So, piled atop the dual nightmares of lingering childhood trauma and their adult struggle with deadly physical illnesses, they have another kind of PTSD that is related to being sucked into the Medical-Industrial vortex.
Read more about this vortex in my post “There’s nothing more dangerous than doctors, hospitals, and the medical industry” here:
Q. Why have I told you about this sordid cycle that breeds cradle-to-grave distress?
A. Because this cycle is entirely preventable.
Well Mickey Z if it’s at all possible to be positive about one’s bad childhood experiences , I chose to see another side to all that …rather than sensationaling my own childhood trauma by going into graphic detail, I can tell you I have a few so-called “Aces” up my sleeve including being put into an orphanage when I was only 2 years old. I ran away from an abusive Mother and our council flat when I was 9, was returned, but left for good when I was 14 when I chose to work as a live-in nanny for 6 children under the age of 12…..but I have no regrets at all what I went through and do not see myself as a victim because my intuition is SO strong now and I pay attention to it. I can recognize a pedophile, a mile away, my enhanced spidey- senses hitchhiking as a teenager enabled me to escape some scary situations. And although I have been accused of being “too confrontational” I am not intimidated by anybody . I believe my childhood led me to this moment in time, and am certain many of us feel the same way. I am a just a fun- loving big kid and adore children and I can feel pain from a distance. I believe I am a healer.. we give to others what we so desperately need ourselves. My son is always amazed how complete Strangers will share their pain with me but it’s because I can make a difference to them. I truly genuinely care. With my background, I could easily have turned into a drug addict or a sex trade worker but I always actually liked myself. Everything led me to who and where I am today.
I once heard that when we pray, that’s our phone call to God, and our intuition is Gods phone call to us. I believe that and it’s made me very strong .
The cycle is highly profitable. And the same people who systemically muck up the works then swoop in with the fix, just like bankers getting rich inflating the bubble and then printing money to buy up the wreckage of the collapse with.