A good friend of mine from New Zealand just sent me this article.
It seems an advertising agency was hand-picked by former Police Commissioner Mike Bush for a $500,000 contract to make memes in NZ’s “fight against Covid-19.”
Within a matter of weeks, this assessment was made of the ad agency’s effort:
“They were putting out non-branded shitty memes and we were having to counter them with proper messaging … It was a serious job and their claim to fame was shit memes.”
Here’s how the agency defended its work:
“Sometimes shitty memes are effective.”
There are several angles that could be taken here but I’ll leave you with these takeaway thoughts:
The Powers-That-Shouldn’t-Be have so much contempt for our discernment skills that they often put very little thought into conditioning us.
At the same time, this example highlights just how inept they are.
Therefore, we should stop doom-scrolling and start taking positive actions with winning in mind.
I’ve been saying it for years: The Parasite Class™ is overplaying its hand and it’s up to us to not do their work for them.
At one point, I thought the humourless "jokes", shitty memes, fatuous rhetoric and willful stupidity were postures—clever postures! designed to frustrate people with intact critical faculties; surround them with bleating morons who will obstruct them and waste their energies and time.
I gave the perception managers way too much credit. They're not that good. Most people do the mindfuck to themselves.
Agree, the parasites overplayed their hand. And our greatest weapon is ignoring them and doing something that supports the world we want. Thanks.