What do you REALLY know about student loan forgiveness?
The debate [sic] related to student loan forgiveness is almost always based on media lies and carved-in-stone ideological identities. For example, if you see yourself as left or liberal, you salivate each time Bernie Sanders evokes the specter of 100 percent forgiveness. Conservatives reflexively grumble about “big government” and/or “work ethic” withou…
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3 years ago · 8 likes · 2 comments · Mickey Z.
The woke are wannabe elitists. Let everybody else drown in debt, I need to be free to destroy Western culture! Let the deplorables eat foodstamps.
I pointed out to anyone who might listen, during the Great Recession, debt is growing much faster than GDP, at the same time wages and benefits are stagnant or declining, That is not going to end well!
Well, here we are, ratcheting up debt again. If we have some sort of jubilee at this point it will come in the form of a programmable digital currency with carbon credits dependent on bimonthly multiboosters.