Rape Apologists: From Black Panthers to Hollywood (of course) & beyond (including Wikileaks)
I’ve done “activism” with folks all across the ideological spectrum and one of the few things they agree on is the need to downplay the oppression of females.
The right whines that thanks to women’s rights, they aren’t even “allowed to flirt” anymore. The left, well… the left solves the problem by claiming women no longer exist.
There is a long list of characters who soft-pedal thousands of years of sexual attacks on women and girls. For the purposes of this post, I’ll borrow from a MUCH older article of mine to highlight just a few.
Eldridge Cleaver was an iconic member of the iconic Black Panther Party and author of the seminal (adjective carefully chosen) book, Soul on Ice. The “power to the people” revolutionary [sic] openly viewed rape as “an insurrectionary act.”
“I started out practicing on black girls in the ghetto where dark and vicious deeds appear not as aberrations or deviations from the norm, but as part of the sufficiency of the evil of a day,” Cleaver boasted. “When I considered myself smooth enough, I crossed the tracks and sought out white prey. I did this consciously, deliberately, willfully, methodically.”
Cleaver’s contemporary and peer, award-winning poet, Amiri Baraka (mentioned in the image above by his birth name, Leroi Jones), authored gems like: “Rape the white girls. Rape their fathers. Cut the mothers' throats.”
(It should come as no surprise to see Baraka regularly lumped in with fellow Beat Generation creeps, Allen Ginsberg and William S. Burroughs.)
Atheist hero, Richard Dawkins, tweets about things like “mild date rape.” (Like many other rape apologists, Dawkins doubles as a pedophilia apologist in his spare time.)
In doing so, Dawkins joins the company of Tinseltown rape/pedophilia apologists like Pedro Almodovar, Wes Anderson, Darren Aronofsky, Wong Kar Waï, Harmony Korine, John Landis, David Lynch, Tilda Swinton, Julian Schnabel, Barbet Schroeder, Martin Scorcese, Wim Wenders, Michael Mann, and (of course) Woody Allen — all of whom signed a petition, asking for the release of their colleague, Roman Polanski.
Context: Polanski fled the U.S. to avoid jail time for drugging and raping (orally, vaginally, and anally) a 13-year-old girl at Jack Nicholson’s house in Hollywood in 1977.
Btw, another Polanski apologist in Hollywood is Whoopi Goldberg.
When I was on the “left,” the men there loved Julian Assange of Wikileaks fame. Since March 2020, I’ve watched many on the right also line up for him.
I’m not sure what the conservatives know or think about the rape charges once pressed against Assange. But I’m well aware that the old-school left mocked such claims as mere ploys to silence their hero.
Michael Moore and many other lefties lined up to defend Julian Assange when he was accused, I mean “framed,” for all that “sex by surprise” stuff. They would not even entertain the possibility that the women were telling the truth.
In case some of you are trying to discern “the point” of this article, please allow me to introduce some clarity:
Rape is almost exclusively a male-on-female crime spree (99.8 percent of those convicted of rape are male). So, before you fall back on the “not all men” excuse, ask yourself if you truly believe any man is doing enough by not being a sexual predator.
I’m sure you know the answer.
Every time you laugh along at a misogynist joke, harass a woman on the street, watch porn, pay for a prostituted female, do anything that perpetuates the sex class hierarchy, deny that a woman is an adult human female, or remain silent while your buddies engage in any of the above, you are helping to keep these practices alive and well.
During a time of spiritual war, such behavior is a betrayal of the highest order.
Complacent = complicit. There is no neutral.
Which side are you on?
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Thank you. So much of history and "heroes" is kept in the shadows.
Women have always been among the spoils of war. Now that we are being actively erased...well...what does that say about our current societal state?
Clearly with the intrusion into women's spaces by Trans men, particularly in prisons, the left is now fine with rape as long as it is by a Trans.