“she only reveals what she wants you to see”
Reminder: Mary was the only one who could cast a stone.
genetically engineered mRNA particles wrapped in glycosylated nano lipids.
Please tell me more about all your “reading” and “research.”
The Great Reset in a nutshell.
The children don’t need your fuckin’ excuses.
it’s not the unvaxxed who are dying.
Ho, ho, ho!
Get up, think for yourself, and stop complying.
"The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him." (Nuremberg Tribunal, Principle IV)
glad to see people are starting to refuse ! As to the money you know where that came from ! thankfully all from rich people because we don't have much to invest, and we would not put it into a clown like that ! I think my dog would like to know the baby Jesus trick !!!
your memes are always outstanding!!