Very recently, I heard about an awe-inspiring woman named Mary Johnson.
To briefly learn about her amazing journey, watch this three-minute video:
After connecting with and forgiving her son’s murderer, Mary formed an organization called “From Death to Life” (John 5:24).
When I discovered all of this, I immediately set about inviting her to be a guest on my podcast.
But while searching for contact info, I learned that Mary Johnson is in bad enough shape (Lewy Body Dementia) that her friends had to put together a GoFundMe for her. However, donations seem to have stalled out about a month ago — well short of the money needed.
If you were moved by the above video and her incredible forgiveness, I implore you to CLICK HERE to get the details and make a donation.
If it’s $1 or $1000… just let Mary know you’ve got her back.
And please share the link.
Let’s remind Mary that her life of faith and forgiveness — the example she set for all of us — can still provide her with miracles.
Even during another tough, tough time.
Even when those miracles are facilitated by strangers.
Reminder: Each of us has in us the power to perform wonders, e.g.
“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will you do.” (John 14:12)
It’s time for us to start doing some “greater works” on a regular basis.
Thank you in advance…
Thanks for caring, Mickey! - glad to give to Mary's caring heart -
Thank you.