It's not just the Parasite Class™ that controls narratives & rules by fear
(look closely at who commands your attention)
When Jesus rode into Jerusalem on what is now called Palm Sunday, he was joyfully welcomed by throngs of people who wanted to praise and learn from the man they’d heard so much about.
But then he started talking.
No, he would not be leading them into a physical battle. He would also not be ignoring lepers, tax collectors, prostituted women, or criminals. Basically, he would respect and associate with all those considered lower on the social scale of the day — and expect us to do the same.
Yeah, Jesus made demands.
He implored his followers to closely examine their own behaviors and biases. Show mercy. Turn the other cheek. Serve others. Don’t fall into the same kind of ego traps your enemies embraced. In fact [wait for it] forgive your enemies.
Then the Sadducees and Pharisees started talking.
They feared that if too many worshipped Jesus, it would result in “dangerous” religious questioning while also possibly angering the Romans. This could add up to the Sadducees and Pharisees losing power. Unacceptable.
So, they used their considerable influence to frighten, cajole, coerce, and manipulate the masses into a fear matrix.
Less than a week after they laid palms before Jesus, many or most of the same people submitted to groupthink and condemned him. They even chose Barabbas over Jesus.
There is no historical record of Barabbas ever suggesting anyone forgive their enemies or engage in self-exploration. To choose him over Jesus was the easy path. It required no introspection. It didn’t challenge their self-perception or shatter any foundations.
Choosing Barabbas was also safer than admitting that they’d been duped by their hypocritical chosen leaders [sic].
The people claimed to want the truth but settled for conformity.
They wanted to feel superior instead of making sacrifices.
They preferred confirmation bias over genuine upheaval.
When choosing sources and formulating opinions, keep yer guard up…
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The Sadducees and Pharisees are ever with us, alas. Their perception management is honed. It can be lamentably easy to be fooled by them. Their pitch is geared to deep fears and strong emotions. That's what I look for first.
Honest inquiry is comparatively harder to find. The core of it always includes humility, which does not make the same clamour. It's quiet, and ultimately much stronger. The search for it rewards effort.
Great post, Mickey.
It is interesting that the one sect of Judaism that remains from Jesus' time is that of the Pharisees.
What your article makes clear is that human nature hasn't been affected by time, history, or technology! I always chuckle when I hear someone talk about society becoming more enlightened (or progressive or whatever).
As long as free will exists, self-interest will hold sway