Is Ukraine a Nazi-friendly state put into power by the U.S. in a 2014 coup?
No, this doesn’t mean I’m pro-Putin
Herein I offer some information and perspectives to help balance out the bombardment of mainstream propaganda. Pro tip: Take in as much diverse info as you can before attaching yourself to a particular stance. And even then, remain open to new evidence.
The US has been supplying Ukrainian Neo-Nazis with not just training and funding, but also weapons. Weapons manufacturers state that their sales of lethal weapons to Ukraine are conducted in “very close coordination” with US and Ukrainian authorities. The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab has confirmed that US weapons went to the Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion.
Full article: What They Don’t Want You to Know About Ukraine: The White Nationalists Trained and Funded by the CIA
A few more articles to consider:
Evidence that Ukraine Has Been Run by Nazis Since February 2014
US House Admits Nazi Role in Ukraine (from 2015)
Ukraine crisis: Transcript of leaked Nuland-Pyatt call
The Presence of Neo-Nazis in Ukraine
People should always be outraged by the invasion of any sovereign nation but how "sovereign" and "independent" is a state if it was created by the U.S. overthrow of an elected leader in 2014?
P.S. You can do all of these at the same time:
Mourn for those who are suffering
Condemn Putin and Russia
Never trust the CIA/corporate-run media
Ignore any and all Home of the Brave/Land of the Free™ rhetoric
Engage in non-stop independent self-education
Keep yer guard up
P.S. Please click here to see just how intensely you are being manipulated.
Interesting. Your last four articles/comments all deal with some aspect of propaganda/narratives and the manufacture of belief/consent. As such, you are touching on the very essence of social control, an extremely rich topic which is difficult to discuss in no small measure because social mythology has significantly succeeded in hiding the real world levers of power from the vast majority of the citizenry. They cling to the illusion that we are a democracy implementing essentially good (or at least well-meaning) policies both foreign and domestic. Empirical reality is virtually inconceivable to most who take comfort in lies and deceptions which they need to be aware of in any event so that they can go along to get along. Once you fully comprehend that we are part of a vicious and brutal empire run by elites for the benefit of the elites, things appear quite different.
As for the specific question posed by this article, in 2014 the American led transnational empire instigated a coup in Ukraine as part of its ongoing aggression against Russia for geostrategic reasons. Ukraine became a vassal state of empire, its policies imperial formulated policies, and its military imperial proxy forces (now armed and trained by imperial US/NATO). Britain and Israel are involved as well. Make no mistake, the success of the coup depended significantly on the violence and terrorism of US supported neo-Nazis. This use of terrorists to drive regime change has become commonplace for the U.S. Because of the Trump electoral victory in 2016, plans were altered slightly with the empire content to train and build up the Ukrainian (Imperial proxy) military, along with constant shelling of the Russian speaking people in the Donbass breakaway provinces. All in violation of the Minsk agreements. And we can say with high certainty that the imperial elites are not concerned with the well-being of the Ukrainian people except insofar as it impacts elite objectives. They are pawns on a grand chessboard to be sacrificed as required.
With the victory of the Democrats in 2020 and the return of super war hawk Victoria Nuland, the Ukrainian Imperial proxy forces increased their bombardment of the Donbass making some sort of Russian reaction practically inevitable. Russia's two primary goals are the demilitarization of Ukraine (which I think they will achieve) and the de-Nazification of Ukraine which, at this stage of the game, is unrealistic. It should be noted that the global empire of which we are a part is now in the process of implementing a form of global totalitarianism, support for neo-Nazis entirely consistent with imperial policies and operating procedures. And who does propaganda and mind control better than the Western "Democracies?"
Why now? The American Empire has already achieved two geostrategic victories from their proxy war. First, they stopped the Nord Stream 2 pipeline (a key short term objective) and they have driven a wedge between future Russian-European trade, cooperation, alliances, etc. (an overarching strategic objective). Perhaps the biggest victory for empire was to use the Ukraine "invasion" (I prefer incursion) as a pretext for increased anti-Russian sanctions which if they involve the SWIFT bank clearing system have the potential to collapse the global economy, a necessary condition for imperial desired global restructuring to occur. The process was begun with the COVID-19 global lockdown and this is a continuation of that process.The global political economy needs to be restructured and whoever controls this restructuring will be in a strong position to influence/determine power relations in the new era. And what is occurring is being hidden in plain sight by massive propaganda in an increasingly totalitarian global system.