At least they are getting two Canada, some protestors and donors got ZERO warnings when they donated or participated in the Freedom Iran is not as bad as Canada now ....note to self......
Not that I should concern myself about Iran's women's dire circumstances--(because I can't have any influence there whatsoever)--but this does point to the fact that I hate banks and am a proud member of a fine credit union. Are they next? Even if they are member(socialist, sorta) driven organizations? F**k the banks! Peace
At least they are getting two Canada, some protestors and donors got ZERO warnings when they donated or participated in the Freedom Iran is not as bad as Canada now ....note to self......
Not that I should concern myself about Iran's women's dire circumstances--(because I can't have any influence there whatsoever)--but this does point to the fact that I hate banks and am a proud member of a fine credit union. Are they next? Even if they are member(socialist, sorta) driven organizations? F**k the banks! Peace