I’ve been interviewed quite often in my life. I guess you could say I give good discourse. Anyway, I recently recalled the time I was asked: "If you could have dinner with one person from the past, who would you choose?"
The host got no further than "who," when I replied: "Easy. My Mom."
Sure, I was probably expected to select someone like da Vinci or Joan of Arc, but my response was instant and firm. No offense to my incredible Dad who I loved and adored, but if I could bring one person back for one conversation, it would be my beloved mother.
For the record, if it had to be a non-loved one, I would be tempted to pick Bruce Lee, Fred Rogers, or Marcel Duchamp. But my actual answer might be Andrea Dworkin.
Who would YOU choose?
Hi Micky,
I've just been enjoying picking through, reading, listening to your articles and podcasts. I am thrilled to familiarize myself with your ideas and dedication to action.
I just joined as a paying member and think I may be able to volunteer in some capacity.
I’d choose the same people on your list. Interestingly Duchamp and his surrealists contemporaries we’re funded by a rich nefarious dynasty in the early days esp. Still would like to meet the man though.