Everything changes (if you want it)
Everything changes (if you're willing to accept responsibility)
Fifty-five years ago this week, John Lennon and Yoko Ono paid to have massive posters hung in 12 countries around the world. Above is the billboard that was placed in Times Square during the 1969 holiday season.
To some, it was naive grandstanding or virtue signaling but I ask: Where is the lie in John and Yoko’s message?
If enough people in the world decided that they didn’t want war, it would be over. The same goes for rape, corporate power, human trafficking, disease, capitalism (or any such ism), poverty, disease, violent crime, etc., etc.
We have the power to create all of these nightmares.
We also have the power to create something blessed and wonderful.
recently wrote: “There is a shadowy elite: it’s us — unwitting magicians, possessed by our own shadowy bloodlust to collectively create the worst of all possible worlds. We are the ‘man behind the curtain,’ and that curtain is the veil of ignorance cast over our eyes, preventing us from seeing how we did this.”Read the full post here:
Everything changes (if you want it).
Once you realize and accept this ^ fact, it begs the question:
What do you want and how soon will you make it happen?
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I believe this is Jesus's main point, made many times over in numerous ways, yet each of us see the speck in our brother's eye and not the boulder in our own. As a teen, my daughter once said to me, "Don't judge my sin, just because it's different from yours." As her mom, of course I should try to point out her sins so she could be aware and work to correct them, but yet, that really stuck with me obviously.
In addition, this is basically the message of Jordan Peterson, whom I admire, with "start by cleaning your room."
Love your posts!
The part where you cited Alicen that the they is us. We are quick to point to the other when we are part of the problem