take the wheel.
The carbon-related punchline is funny but the set-up question is downright disturbing. Consider how many people actually get shots of all kinds and only tangentially ask for details as the needle pierces their skin.
Predatory profit-seeking is predatory profit-seeking no matter which “ism” you use to describe it.
Substack is a helluva drug.
there’s no such thing as “trans.”
Oops… I did it again.
Yes and Amen.
Do Armenian lives matter? (Image: Lucine Kasbarian)
Coke vs. Pepsi.
a journey without a finish line.
your ego would rather you die than be “wrong.”
With my close friend, Chonky.
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Another thought provoking collection to consider. As usual, thanks for gathering these memes, and also including the awesome photo that Alicen took of you and Chonky! Best to you.
Thanks for the memes, Mickey! Happy Sunday :)