Big Pharma's deadly reach extends far beyond vaccines
The dangers of anti-depressants are hiding in plain sight
My friend and long-time subscriber, Ingrid, sent me the link directly below. It’s absolutely worth the read (sample above).
The topic is absolutely worthy of much more exploration and caution.
Reminder: It’s not about agreeing with every single word in the post. It’s about being inspired to think far, far outside mainstream parameters.
On a very similar note, here’s my must-listen interview with Kim Witczak:
Also, check out a brand new Substack podcast that features related topics. I will be interviewing the hosts very soon!
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This is a topic of great personal interest.
Most recently, my eldest daughter became seriously ill. Diagnoses of stroke, pneumonia, and then gall bladder (!) faded away. She remained very ill...but no cause was determined.
I put her on a prayer list.
The very next morning, I awoke with a flash of insight.
She'd been put on trazadone, technically an antidepressant, for sleep.
Backstory: I have done a few rounds with ADs, including Traz, myself. They rarely worked well. I discovered a desperately low cellular mag level. I worked on that and was able to get to a level of function without ADs.
I also discovered that I am missing an enzyme, a genetic condition, that is often needed to properly metabolize many pharm products. ADs and pain meds are highly represented in this list.
I'd warned my kids that they might have some variation of this CYP450 variant.
This CYP450 issue is not exactly rare, but very few doctors know much about it. Pharmacists do a bit better.
How many people are having difficulties as I do, and have no idea?
My daughter is doing much better, having been directed to quit traz cold turkey. We don't know her gene status, but something was clearly off.
Another comment: I listened to your interview with Kim Witczak & left a comment there. Great & enlightening conversation! I'm glad you often link to your previous writings/podcasts - I came to your Substack recently enough that your "old" conversations/posts are new to me. One of my hugest regrets in life is how long it took me to become curious about the vaccine issue. Watching so many people fall for the "safe and effective" PR slogan (since that's all it is) about vaccines - & then the whole Covid scene - has been a real mind-blower. I'm glad I tuned in on vaccines ahead of the Covid psyop. Yet many people near & dear to me will not listen to a word I say about vaccines! It's heartbreaking. I wrote a post about why I'm one of those dreaded "anti-vaxxers" to lay out why at 63 I finally got curious about vaccines. If only my own dear loved ones would read it... (It's here, if anyone wants to check it out: ) What I wish for for all of us is to develop a greater sense of curiosity. Digging into important issues deeply can sure help us learn to connect the dots. We are so easily hornswoggled. We've ALL fallen for snappy PR phrases along the way, tragically.