“Women have had the power of naming stolen from us.” (Mary Daly)
The #woke crowd has been trying to convince us for years that biological sex does not matter. Some of them are trying to convince us that biological sex doesn’t even exist. Even the American Medical Association (AMA) believes “sex should be removed as a legal designation on the public part of birth certificates.” All of them want us to accept this as the new normal:
It’s fascinating how the “trust the science” crowd has become unpaid cheerleaders (and lab rats) for Big Pharma while openly denying the existence of biological sex. We live in a twisted Twilight Zone of cultish behavior where it has actually become necessary to remind people that males and females are two different sexes. Perhaps these ideologues can learn a thing or two from groups like the Taliban.
Breaking news: The Taliban are not asking for preferred pronouns when imposing Sharia law. They’re not concerned with anyone’s “identity” when they pronounce that women must wear a burka and can only leave their homes with signed permission from a man. They are not wondering what sex a young girl “feels like” when they deprive them of education and/or force them into sexual slavery.
Wokism is impotent in the face of such naked patriarchal aggression.
Wokism is also impotent in the face of female infanticide. In 2016, the Asian Centre for Human Rights published the first-ever global study on female infanticide. Since the 1990s, at least 200 million girls have gone “missing” due to sex-selective abortions.
This is higher than the cumulative deaths caused by war and conflict in the entire previous century. In the meantime and as a result, some parts of the world have experienced at least 25 percent more male births than female births. Some estimate that each year, the number of girls killed at birth in India and China is higher than the total number of girls born in the U.S. It’s been called a “secret genocide.”
Where does “queer theory” fit into this holocaust?
Spoiler alert: It makes you culpable.
Think about it. The three deadliest words in the world might be: “It’s a girl.”
But, while females are specifically targeted for atrocities across the globe — from threats like the Taliban, infanticide, and too many others to name — privileged, entitled Westerners will try to cancel you over “identity” and “feelings.”
You say you wanna help women? Step number one is to stop erasing their existence. Stop scrubbing our shared language of words like “breastfeeding” and “mother.” Refuse to surrender to the madness of enforced replacement terms like “vulva havers.”
Of course, non-binary folks deserve their rights and protection… but not at the expense of others. Especially: Never elevate the rights of any group above the rights of the largest and most oppressed population on earth: women and girls.
Each of us as individuals lacks the power to stop Sharia Law, infanticide, and other large-scale sex-targeted oppressions. But we are responsible for our day-to-day personal behaviors and actions. Making such common sense and compassionate choices is not bigotry. In fact, you might even call it… social justice.
(For specifics on how the “trans” agenda is manipulating and mutilating children, listen to my podcast with Brandon Showalter here.)
Very good post! Over the past few years I've asked myself where the so-called feminists are. Are they too, like the latest supreme court justice who cannot define a woman because they're not biologists?
Very well-written, Mickey, and I've been reading about this UTTER CRAP for many years.
I patronize something I call the Woke Coop in Belfast, Maine, and I'm trying to figure out how to stop being a member. It's all virtue-signalling and much less effort keeping things stocked (what a distraction from being woke!). I pointed out to them that it doesn't say women and all classes are welcome on their wokey sign in the front window, and do they fucking care?