“A cop sleeps inside each one of us. We must kill him.”
The Left denounces cops while behaving like cops
It was a life-altering moment when I first laid eyes on Guy Debord’s Society of the Spectacle at the old St. Mark’s Bookshop (when it was still actually on St. Mark’s Place). To say that book inspired me to broaden my worldview is putting it mildly. It also introduced me to Situationism hence, the graffiti quoted in the title above.
Back then, standing in the kind of bookstore we so desperately need more of these days, I never could’ve imagined I’d eventually aim the “cop inside us” lens at my former comrades on the left.
But, in 2022: They see you when you’re sleeping. They know when you are #woke (or not). If you wanna be a “rule-breaker,” you have to, um… follow another set of rules?
And don’t dare try to sneak in some independent thought. The #woke police see all and punishment will be swift when any unwritten laws are violated. Dissent is unacceptable — as in any totalitarian setting. This goes from pronoun usage to everything being racist to wearing masks and getting jabbed to supporting military interventions and so much more.
FYI, lefties: The keyword in ACAB (“All cops are bastards”) is “all.”
As the radical Twitterati posts its memes about police officers or deplorables mindlessly following orders — you know, the haughty rhetoric mocking anyone simple-minded enough to see the world in black-and-white terms — their lack of self-awareness is enough to make me swoon.
As the Situationists suggested: “Drive the cop out of your head.”
P.S. If you’re reading this but don’t identify as left or liberal, you may be smirking and feeling mighty superior right now. FYI: The only reason I’m not detailing the police-like tactics of the center, right, alt-right, etc. is because they are so patently obvious as to be redundant. You don’t need me to tell you about the cop in your head. All you need is a moment of semi-lucid self-reflection.
The cop in your head is dangerous as fu*k and the core problem.
In hindsight, a lot of the left was nothing but an extension of the Democratic Party—a party that long ago purged all its New Deal and Great Society elements. Canada's left is the same. The local "communists" are jab-happy dipshits, who abandoned the working class long ago.