Let’s face it, whenever we hear about a man “challenging gender roles,” it usually looks like this:
Thus, I’d like to strongly propose that other forms of gender non-conformity by males can be far more helpful if those steps address, challenge, and change the most common and dangerous of male behaviors.
With that in mind, here are 10 radically simple ways men can get started:
Don’t rape or don’t be a rape apologist.
Don’t murder women or girls.
Don’t be a pedophile.
Don’t physically or emotionally assault your partner.
Don’t consume pornography; don’t let boys have access to pornography.
Don’t be a john and don’t accept the woke mantras about prostituted women/girls and “choice.”
Don’t eroticize pain, fear, and shame via BDSM and “kink.”
Don’t tell misogynist jokes, use misogynist language, or allow other men to do so in your presence.
Don’t harass or catcall women.
Don’t penetrate female-only safe spaces.
Bonus entry: Don’t be too proud of yourself for adhering to these guidelines because they are the very least any man can do.
“Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one.”
(Marcus Aurelius)
P.S. I really hope this epilogue isn’t necessary but before anyone defensively replies with “not all men” and/or “women do bad things, too,” please recognize the long-standing, undeniable fact that males are — BY FAR — the primary perpetrators of the behaviors listed above.
This might be a good guideline to teach young men in school instead of trying to convince them to act like a woman !
Truer words never spoken!